
The annual Camper-Con westcoast mobile dweller meetups have become a VANcouver tradition attracting vanlifers and vehicle dwellers from all over North America (and even from Europe!) while gaining media attention year after year, but sadly due to restrictive COVID rules shutting down the border and ongoing travel issues we have decided to put them on hold for the time being. It wouldn't be right without all the different license plates from different places!

The fourth annual Camper-Con meet 'n greet was held on Sunday September 2nd, 2018 near Locarno Beach and was the best yet! We were featured on CBC and CTV News once again. 

The third annual Camper-Con was awesome! Sunday, September 3 at Spanish Banks Beach West in VAN-couver! 

What a great success for our second annual Camper-Con last year at Peace Arch Park! Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate freedom!